Life style related Problems....

Lifestyle Problem:                                                               
. Obesity
. Diabetes
. Heart disease
.  Musculoskeletal disorders
. Sleep Disorders
. Lack of social life

Biomechanical Disorders:
. Repetitive motion injuries
. Repetitive strain injuries
. Overuse syndrome
. Soft tissue injuries
. Cumulative trauma disorder
. Cervico-brachial disorders
. Posture related aches/pains

Stress Related Problems:
.Heart disease
. Depression/Anxiety
. Obesity
. Headache
. Low back ache
. Muscular pain
.Psychosomatic disorders

Poor Eating Habits:
. Irregular eating time schedule
. Skipping meals
. Dehydration
. Imbalanced diet
. Food binging
. Junk/Fast foods
. Processed foods


1.       Self Aid Techniques
. Self Stretching
.Cryotherapy for fresh injuries or pain
. Heat therapy for long standing pains
. Anti inflammatory drugs (OTC’s only)

2.       Eat well
. Proper breakfast (the most important meal of the day!!)
. Keep yourself hydrated.
. Break your meals into small size at regular intervals.
. Add fruits and veggies to your eating routine.
. Fiber rich foods.

3.       Do’s & Dont’s
.Exercise regularly
.Proper Posture
.Social life (put your stress at bay)
. Excessive alcohol consumption
. Smoking (It definitely kills)
. Skipping Meals
. Be in one position for longer duration.



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